Add Library Templates

  1. Navigate to the Library Templates page.

    Click Add.

    The section expands to display a form.

  2. Enter a name in the Name field.

  3. Enter a description in the Description field.

  4. Select an object type from the Object Type drop-down menu. This assigns the template to a specific object type.

  5. Choose document, photo, or general from the Library Type menu.

  6. Select the Allow Multiple check box if this template can be used more than one time per object.

  7. Select the Auto Create check box if this library template should be automatically applied to every new object of the selected type.  

    Auto create is recommended in most instances. Typically, auto create is selected to prevent the user from having to manually add the library each time a new object is created.

  8. When complete, click Submit.

Click on the menu stacks icon for the new library to edit the information previously entered or to manage categories and sections.

Watch the Library Templates: Creating Empty Documents video for more information. The video password is Siterra742.