Project Authorization Manager
The Project Authorization Manager allows you to set up Project templates and add additional permissions for sub-projects. Users with appropriate permissions can authorize a sub-project on the schedule template.
Add a new Project authorization:
Navigate to the Admin page.
In the Applications section, click Project Authorization Manager. The Project Authorization Manager page opens.
Click Add. The section expands to display a form.
Enter an authorization number in the Authorization Number field (required).
Enter a name for the authorization in the Authorization Name field.
Enter an amount in the Amount field.
Use the Status drop-down menu to select a status for the authorization.
Enter a description in the Description field.
Enter a date or user the date selector to choose a date in the Approval Date field.
Click the desired templates in the All column of the Project Templates field.
Then, click the right arrow to move the templates to the Selected column.
Click the desired organization units in the All column of the Organization Units field.
Then, click the right arrow to move the organization units to the Selected column.
When complete, click Submit.
Edit Project Authorization details:
Navigate to the Project Authorization Manager page.
Click the Project Authorization number to open the Project Authorization Details page.
On the Project Authorization Details page, click Edit. A new window appears in which you can edit the Project Authorization details.
When complete, click Save.
Sub-Project Authorizations
You can also add and edit Sub-Project Authorizations.
Add a Sub-Project Authorization:
Navigate to the Project Authorization Manager page.
Click the Project Authorization number to open the Project Authorization Details page.
On the Project Authorization Details page, click Add Sub-Project Authorization. The section expands to display a form.
Complete the form.
The Sub-Project Authorization form is different from the Project Authorization form in that the Project Templates field only contains templates associated with the parent authorization.
When complete, click Submit.
Edit Sub-Project Authorization details:
Navigate to the Project Authorization Manager page.
Click the Project Authorization number to open the Project Authorization Details page.
On the Project Authorization Details page, scroll to the Sub-Project Authorization section.
Click the menu stacks button next to the desired Sub-Project Authorization, then click Edit. The section expands to display a form.
Make any necessary changes.
When complete, click Save.