View SLR
You can view or make changes to Straight Line Rent from the Lease home page. Certain SLR metrics appear in the Details, Administration Analytics, and Lease Dates sections of the Lease home page.
Straight Line Rent Page
You can see an in-depth view of SLR from the Straight Line Rent page.
Navigate to a Lease home page.
In the toolbar, click Advanced, then click Straight Line Rent.
A new window appears containing the Straight Line Rent page.
The Straight Line Rent page contains four sections:
SLR Breakpoints
SLR Lines
The Details section contains various fields that provide an overview of the Straight Line Rent. Fields in the Details section include:
Start Date: The date on which SLR begins.
End Date: The date on which SLR ends.
Lease Current Commencement Date: Date on which the current lease began.
Total Lease Amount: Sum of payments for the duration of the lease.
Total SLR Amount: Sum of SLR payments for the duration of the lease.
Comments: Additional information regarding the Straight Line Rent.
The Assumptions section displays the following fields:
Yearly CPI: Yearly consumer price index.
Yearly Contigent Rent: Amount of rent based on CPI, Percent Rent, or another entity.
Total Penalties: Sum of the amounts charged for lease penalties.
Total Credits: Sum of rent incentives included in the lease.
Changing the Yearly Contigent Rent, Total Penalties, or Total Credits field triggers a Breakpoint and SLR recalculation.
The SLR Breakpoints section lists all the points at which the Straight Line Rent was updated. This section includes the following information:
Change Date: The date and time at which the change took place, as logged by the system.
Initiated By: The Siterra user name for the individual who made the change.
Breakpoint Date: The date of the Breakpoint, as set by the user.
Breakpoint Reason: A short description of the Breakpoint purpose.
Amount: Total amount of the SLR.
Amount Currency: The currency denomination for the Breakpoint.
SLR currency is based upon the Lease currency.
You can refresh the information, export the data to Excel, or search the section using the icons in the SLR Breakpoints section toolbar.
The SLR Lines section lists the lines for the duration of Straight Line Rent. The dates begin with the Booking Date and end with the SLR End Date. The section includes the following information:
Accounting Period: The accounting period of the lease in which the payment occurs.
Start Date: The date on which the accounting period begins.
End Date: The date on which the accounting period ends.
Amount: The SLR payment amount for the accounting period.
Cash Amount: The actual payment amount for the accounting period.
Amount Currency: The currency denomination of the payment.
SLR currency is based upon the lease currency.
You can refresh the information, export the data to Excel, or search the section using the icons in the SLR Lines section toolbar.
Users with Delete permissions also see a Delete Straight Line Rent button on the SLR toolbar.
The Lease Current Commencement Date value can be customized on the portfolio to reference the lease’s Original Commencement Date. The default setup refers to the lease’s Current Commencement Date. For information on changing this configuration for the portfolio, contact a Siterra representative.