Lease Critical Dates/Options
The Critical Dates/Options section defines key dates and information associated with a Lease, including renewal dates and termination dates. Lease Critical Dates/Options appear in To-Dos for assigned users.
Add a Critical Date/Option:
Navigate to a Lease home page.
Scroll to the Critical Dates/Options section.
In the toolbar of the Critical Dates/Options section, click Add.
The section expands to display a form.
Complete the form.
Use the Frequency drop-down menu to select Multiple, One Time, or Recurring.
This field is for information only and does not automatically set up multiple options on the Lease.
Use the Assigned to Group drop-down menu to select the group responsible for taking action on the Critical Date/Option.
Assigned to Group is a required field.
Complete the remainder of the form.
When the form is complete, click Save.
The Critical Date/Option appears in the Critical Dates/Options section.
Add Multiple Critical Dates/Options
Navigate to a Lease home page.
Scroll to the Critical Dates/Options section.
In the toolbar of the Critical Dates/Options section, click Add Multiple.
A new window appears.
Complete the form. Required fields are marked with a red asterisk (*).
When the form is complete, click Save. The option appears in the Critical Dates/Options section.
Execute Critical Dates/Options
Once a Critical Date/Option is created, it must be executed in order to update the Lease information.
Navigate to a Lease home page.
Scroll to the Critical Dates/Options section.
Click the menu stacks button next to the desired Critical Date/Option, then click Execute.
A new window appears.
Use the check boxes to select the desired Lease Parameters.
Different selections appear in this section depending on the type of Critical Date/Option. For more information, see Lease Parameters.
Select the check box next to each Payment which should be extended or terminated when the Critical Date/Option is executed.
Click Finish.
The Lease home page refreshes, and the option appears in the Critical Dates/Options section with an Executed status.
Lease Parameters
The Lease Parameters section of the Critical Dates/Options execution form varies depending on the type of Critical Date/Option.
When executing a Renewal, users can select the following Lease Parameters:
Update Lease Current Expiration Date (selected by default).
Update Lease Current Commencement Date.
Extend existing Lease Payments.
When executing a Termination, you must select new Lease dates. The Lease's Current Expiration Date is automatically updated to display a new date selection. Additional date selections appear in the following order:
Termination Date
Effective Date (if Termination Date does not exist)
Current Date (if neither Termination Date nor Effective Date exist)
Manual Date (user can override the predefined date)
Inactive Critical Dates are activated nightly if the Action Date is past.
Critical Dates/Options do not activate, send reminders, or appear in a your To-Dos if the Lease’s status is Expired or Terminated.
Stop Notifications
Stop Critical Dates/Options from appearing in Notifications and To-Dos:
Navigate to a Lease home page.
Scroll to the Critical Dates/Options section.
Click the menu stacks button next to the desired Critical Date/Option, then click Execute.
A new window appears.
In the Select Lease Parameters section, select the Discontinue Notifications? check box.
Click Finish.
The option no longer appears in Notifications or To-Dos.
Update Critical Dates Via Import
To update Critical Dates via import, see Update Lease Allocations via Import.